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Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy

The Dude
7 participants

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Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy Empty Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy

Message par sinnerboy Mer 25 Jan 2012, 11:07

Hi everybody

It's great to be here - I know how much our hero Rory loved playing in France!

Thanks Chino.


Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 25/01/2012

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Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy Empty Re: Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy

Message par The Dude Mer 25 Jan 2012, 11:29

Welcome in Rory's French House... green
The Dude
The Dude

Messages : 10150
Date d'inscription : 28/10/2011
Age : 48
Localisation : Hailleurs

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Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy Empty Re: Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy

Message par Chino Mer 25 Jan 2012, 12:04

Welcome on board Barry, thanks for registering here, I put you an avatar (I like this pic), Hope it's OK, if not, you can change it! Wink

Sinnerboy is a great band, and you're a great guitarist, both on Electric and acoustic.

Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy BarryBluefunknightLarge

Le site:

Les CD:

En 2003 Sinnerboy a sorti un double CD live, "Down & Out in Hammersmith’":

Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy Frontttp
Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy Backnt

Le second album:

Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy 35655

Barry Barnes tourne également en solo, et a sorti un album acoustique en hommage à Rory intitulé "Rory!":

Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy File

Les titres:

Pistol Slapper Blues
Out on the Western Plain
The Cuckoo
Nothin But The Devil
Death Letter Blues
I Fall Apart
Too Much Alcohol
Out of My Mind
Empire State Express
Barley and Grape Rag
Wheels Within Wheels

Garbage Man a écrit:Ah oui Barry Barnes excellent, c'est l'un des musiciens les plus actifs à perpétuer la mémoire de Rory.

Welcome on board sinnerboy !

Splendide version de I'm not awake yet ! impec

Barry, feel free to post here the tour dates, pics, videos etc. Wink

Messages : 40646
Date d'inscription : 13/10/2009

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Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy Empty Re: Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy

Message par Tiger Mer 25 Jan 2012, 12:08

Welcome here ! You're really great and your covers are wonderful! impec

Messages : 5035
Date d'inscription : 10/05/2011
Age : 27
Localisation : On Earth

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Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy Empty Re: Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy

Message par sinnerboy Mer 25 Jan 2012, 14:15

Thank you - I'd like to come and play for you in France - can anybody suggest venues?

Small clubs for the band or music bars for the solo acoustic show.

Thank you


PS 've been racking my brains trying to think where that picture was taken - I can't remember playing with a Rory Strat except once in Holland so it must be then!

Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 25/01/2012

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Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy Empty Re: Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy

Message par Chino Mer 25 Jan 2012, 15:57

sinnerboy a écrit:Thank you - I'd like to come and play for you in France - can anybody suggest venues?

Small clubs for the band or music bars for the solo acoustic show.

Thank you

It'd be great you come play in France in the future, either with Sinnerboy or in solo configuration. I'll do my best as far as I'm concerned! Wink

I'd love to organize a Rory's Festival in France, I've got that in a a corner of my brain for a long time, but it needs a lot of time to do that (and money too!).

Donc mes amis, si vous pouvez trouver au moins une date pour Barry ou Sinnerboy, n'hésitez pas! Wink

sinnerboy a écrit:PS 've been racking my brains trying to think where that picture was taken - I can't remember playing with a Rory Strat except once in Holland so it must be then!

Here's the origin of the pic with the Strat, maybe took in 2008 at the Blue Funk Club:

This is Barry Barnes from "Sinnerboy"... taken by my hubbie Dave...and mastered by "me"...playing with a handbuilt Rory replica that Gary Parkinson built. He let Barry play it a couple of weeks ago (2008) at our local Blues club.

Hope it will help you Barry! green

Messages : 40646
Date d'inscription : 13/10/2009

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Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy Empty Re: Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy

Message par Emi Mer 25 Jan 2012, 20:38

Hi dear Barry! Glad to see you there too after FB!Wink

"On est un groupe de rock, Et on joue du rock, c'est tout ce qu'on fait. On debarque dans votre ville, on vous nique la tête avec notre rock et on dégage." Lemmy Kilmister

Messages : 4358
Date d'inscription : 13/01/2011
Age : 46

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Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy Empty Re: Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy

Message par Chino Jeu 26 Jan 2012, 06:55

Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy Sinnerboy3

Un concert intégral de Sinnerboy filmé le 18 février 2011:


Messages : 40646
Date d'inscription : 13/10/2009

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Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy Empty Re: Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy

Message par Tiger Jeu 26 Jan 2012, 17:05


Messages : 5035
Date d'inscription : 10/05/2011
Age : 27
Localisation : On Earth

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Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy Empty Re: Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy

Message par Chino Dim 29 Juil 2012, 14:07

RORY Gallagher, who sadly passed away in 1995, had a huge impact on the world of blues and rock and is recognized as Irelands first real ‘rock star’.

He left behind an enduring musical legacy which has received fresh recognition and attracted a whole new generation of younger fans over recent years.

Barry Barnes formed ‘Sinnerboy’ with the sole intention of keeping Rory’s memory alive.

They have a huge reputation for faithfully recapturing the sound and excitement of a live Rory gig.

Rory was renowned for his powerful acoustic work and Barry faithfully recaptures the passion and excitement of his performance.

Playing acoustic and steel guitar and mandolin, and with a voice that closely resembles the late Rory’s in pitch and tone, Barry brings all the great acoustic numbers back to life.

The extensive repertoire includes all Rory’s acoustic material, along with unplugged versions of some of the most popular electric numbers and a fascinating selection from the work of artists who influenced Rory such as Son House, Ledbelly, Muddy Waters etc. All this is interspersed with colourful anecdotes from a man who really knows and loves his subject.

‘Sinnerboy’ will be staged at The Market Place Theatre in Armagh on Thursday August 9 at 8pm. Tickets are priced £10 each, and can be purchased by contacting the Box Office on [028] 3752 1821, or online at

And to keep up-to-date with the latest news at the Market Place Theatre, you can follow us on Facebook ( and Twitter ( where you will find all the latest information, special offers and video previews.

Messages : 40646
Date d'inscription : 13/10/2009

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Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy Empty Re: Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy

Message par Chino Jeu 13 Sep 2012, 14:21

Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy Cavern_ad_1

Messages : 40646
Date d'inscription : 13/10/2009

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Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy Empty Re: Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy

Message par Chino Ven 26 Avr 2013, 11:40


Messages : 40646
Date d'inscription : 13/10/2009

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Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy Empty Re: Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy

Message par Lucie Ven 26 Avr 2013, 17:52


Messages : 2999
Date d'inscription : 16/06/2010

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Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy Empty Re: Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy

Message par Lucie Ven 26 Avr 2013, 17:58

Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy Sinner10

Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy Event_10


Messages : 2999
Date d'inscription : 16/06/2010

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Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy Empty Re: Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy

Message par JLo Ven 26 Avr 2013, 18:54

impec drinks

"It is in the shelter of each other that the people live". Irish proverb.

Messages : 37936
Date d'inscription : 15/02/2012

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Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy Empty Re: Barry Barnes and Sinnerboy

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